Tunde’s MOPO Story

Mr. Tunde Sulaiman runs a popular food stall in Epe Central Market, Lagos. His business depends on a POS machine (electronic payments station) for card payments and a mobile phone to coordinate deliveries. After starting regular MOPO50 rentals Mr. Sulaiman noticed immediate improvements: 

“Before MOPO, my POS machine would die during peak hours, and customers would walk away, because I have to leave my machine somewhere while it charges. Now, I rent a MOPO Battery daily. My business sales have increased 30% because transactions never stop, and my staff use MOPO to charge their phones!”

Take a moment to think about this story, the impact that a MOPO50 battery is having on this customer's growing business is so tangible and significant. To each friend and colleague reading this, thank you, the result of your efforts is far greater than you imagine.

- Story submitted by Area Manager, Adebowale


Aminat’s MOPO Story