The Arrivals of MOPO50 Gecko

At the start of 2023 we began a journey to significantly redesign our core product, the MOPO50 Battery. It has required massive teamwork and perseverance to grow our current products, markets, and teams as we developed it.


This momentous week marks the arrival in Nigeria of our new and improved MOPO50 Batteries, Gecko built by our new manufacturers, with customers now actively renting in one of our hubs in Idoani.

Before we started these weekly stories, the Product Team were well into the redesign of the MOPO50. In June we reported here that the tooling for the Battery had started, in August we reported that the first 600 that had been manufactured by our new supplier had been packed up, tested and shipped to MPSL to be built and tested. In October we reported on the partnership with CrossBoundary that will help enable us to deploy 400+ MOPO50 hubs in Nigeria and we had updates from our growing China team on the initial production of MOPO50 Gecko with our new supplier.

The work to get MOPO50 Gecko into the hands of customers in Nigeria as we continue to test, resolve issues and ensure it serves our customers optimally has been huge. Seeing the first rentals of these MOPO50 Gecko’s is a huge milestone that has included every area of our business. 

It’s Joel writing so obviously I want to name every single person that has had a hand in getting things to this point but I CAN’T because I’d have to name EVERYONE. So instead let me just encourage you to take 30 seconds and consider the unique contribution you have made to the massive team effort that it takes to make what we do a reality. 

The photos are from the journey documented in Friday Stories of MOPO50 Gecko and photos of the first manufactured MOPO50 Gecko serving customers in Nigeria! The journey continues!

-Joel Delaney, Subsidiary Operations Manager


Energy Talk Podcast


Navoh's Story