MOPO: Innovation in Battery Storage for multiple uses in Sierra Leone

“Hugely proud of the impact of our business and the validation from this independent report on one of our projects. Thanks 3B Impact, Energy Catalyst (an Innovate UK programme) and The Carbon Trust

-Luke Burras, COO

Executive Summary

Innovate UK Energy Catalyst Round 7 grant aimed to support Mobile Power’s development of electric vehicles and solar-powered batteries, to create a sustainable and scalable business model which supports economic development and empowers local communities.

Trials were conducted in urban and rural areas, and included a partnership with Pink Power, a local NGO aiming to provide alternative livelihoods to former sex workers, and support increased HIV testing and treatment for those still in the sex industry.

This report sets out the findings from development impact monitoring and evaluation conducted by 3B Impact. This focused on how the project has improved livelihoods and standards of living, especially for women and rural communities, through a commercial business model.


Mobile Power’s trials demonstrated unit economics which will not only support expansion of its electric vehicle rental business on a commercial basis, but also increase commercial driver earnings by almost 50% while reducing passenger fares by 10%. This is very promising for local economic development, given the fundamental enabling role of transport.

Progress has also been made in employing female Agents and Area Managers, who now represent 35% and 29%, respectively, of these groups. Female Agents are also earning the same as Male Agents, further confirming the success of their employment both to Mobile Power and local communities.

Switching to renewable energy is imperative in countries with high reliance on fossil fuels, not just in terms of climate change but also due to the volatility of petrol prices. Shortly after the data collection for unit economics calculations, petrol prices went up by 50% in Sierra Leone, further increasing the comparative savings offered by Mobile Power. The impact of such price volatility is especially felt by the poor, for whom increased costs mean food can become unaffordable.

Local communities are empowered by the new local job opportunities created by Mobile Power. Women employed as Agents and commercial drivers (in partnership with Pink Power) are able to access high-quality work and training for the first time in their lives, and report increased independence and personal growth.

Switching to renewable energy is imperative in countries with high reliance on fossil fuels, not just in terms of climate change but also due to the volatility of petrol prices. Shortly after the data collection for unit economics calculations, petrol prices went up by 50% in Sierra Leone, further increasing the comparative savings offered by Mobile Power. The impact of such price volatility is especially felt by the poor, for whom increased costs mean food can become unaffordable.

Local communities are empowered by the new local job opportunities created by Mobile Power. Women employed as Agents and commercial drivers (in partnership with Pink Power) are able to access high-quality work and training for the first time in their lives, and report increased independence and personal growth.

In addition to driving social inclusion by employing women, which continues to provide valuable impetus in addressing gender inequality, Mobile Power has also identified the potential to employ persons with disabilities as electric vehicle drivers, due to their simplified controls compared to petrol vehicles. With one disabled driver having already taken part in the trials, there is good promise for future inclusion of this highly marginalised group.

By scaling up its innovations, Mobile Power can become a key force for environmentally responsible socio-economic development, and make a significant contribution to the development challenges related to access to energy, transportation, and social inclusion.

continue reading the full report below:


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